Easter 2022

We had a BUSY Easter this year that span out many days.

My friend Brittany and I attempted to take her kids and Taylor to an Easter Egg Hunt put on by a local police department. There were so many kids when we got there and it was very unorganized. The hunt was to begin promptly at 5:30pm and right on the dot all the kids flooded into the playground area through a small opening (kids aged walking through 16). Little kids were getting trampled and it was nothing but unorganized chaos. We took the kids and left before one of them got hurt.

Brittany and I went to Target and got candy and plastic eggs and had a small hunt at her house for the kids.

Easter Sunday

Blake had to work Easter Sunday but that didn’t stop Taylor from seeing her daddy on a holiday. I drove her to her daddy’s fire station to have brunch with his shift. I premade a casserole and finished cooking it when I got to the station and made a side of bacon.

While the food was cooking, Blake and I gave Taylor her Easter Basket. (The entire content of the basket came from Busch Gardens and only cost $15. Busch was doing $10 Busch Bucks and we have 7 passes and we were able to get a ton of books for Taylor). Taylor of course was so excited about her basket and enjoyed time reading with her daddy at the station.

Brunch turned out fantastic and everyone loved it.


After brunch we went outside to take our yearly picture of Taylor in her Easter basket.

Third Easter

I don’t think she will be able to sit in the basket next Easter.

Taylor and I left the fire station and went straight to my parents house to pick them up to go to my Uncle and Aunt’s house for an Easter get together. All of our family from my mom’s side was there. To include my Aunt and cousins from Florida. It was so good to see everyone. We had a lot of fun and lots of delicious food.

I got my other kids from their shortly before 6 and we went straight to Busch Gardens to try to see Cookie Monster and Elmo dressed up as the Easter Bunny. We were able to see Cookie Bunny! The kids were so excited.

We stayed at Busch Gardens until the park closed and went home. As soon as we got home, the kids got their Easter Baskets.

Check out my post on Busch Garden’s – Easter Sunday

April 20th, 2022

I took the kids to my parents house and they received Easter baskets there as well. (So did I!!!) The kids were super excited for this. My mom tailored each basket for each kid. Super sweet and thoughtful. Thanks Mom!!

April 24th, 2022

Every year Blake and I put together an egg hunt for the kids and they all look forward to it. I stuffed the eggs and I also made coupons for each kid to put in their big egg for little experiences. Examples: in app purchase, new book, big hug, make parents do your chores for the day, help make dinner for a week (the kids fight over who gets to help with dinner), pick the weekend adventure, etc. They loved this idea. We always count and recount the eggs to ensure the kids get all of them. Every year we always lose some and they are found throughout the year. Well this year was the same. We lost 3 eggs…..

While we were all searching for the lost eggs Ethan and Nick found a 4 foot black snake. Everyone in our family like snakes so all of the kids and adults ran over.

4 foot black snake

That night once my kids went back to their dad’s house, Blake, Taylor, Nick and I went back to Blake’s parent for dinner and for Nick and Taylor to get their Easter Baskets from his parents. The Easter Bunny at his parent’s house do a scavenger hunt to find the baskets. Super cute!

We had a fun filled Easter with lots of fun activities!

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