Stroke Care – Visit with Primary Care Physician – 6/13/2023

I met with my PCP today for a follow up from my hospital visit. My PCP is amazing, as is her staff and she actually listens and provides quality care.

My Doctor read over all of my hospital notes and she felt that it was not a Hemiplegic Migraine because the treatment that I received after finding the 11cc Penumbra in my brain worked and it worked like the Neurologist said it would work.

Aborted Stroke, this is the term for what I had. It basically means that it is a stroke that was caught in the right amount of time for the Clot Buster medication to work and break up the clot and prevent any brain damage. Had I not received this medication, things would have been a lot worse. I am thankful that the Neurologist I had while I was having my CT done, was the Doctor and not the one that I saw later on in my hospital stay because he dismissed it as “I’m too young for a stroke” and “the CT with perfusion created a false positive”, even though the medication for the clot WORKED!!!!

My doctor did a full neurological work up on me and I passed. This is always a sign of relief.

In conclusion of my appointment, I was given a referral to a Neurologist and a Cardiologist. She also wanted to do a repeat Lipid Panel because it was unsure from the hospital notes when my Lipid panel was taken. Sentara doesn’t put the time the bloodwork was taken, only the time/date when the results are posted. I did not mind at all repeating the bloodwork to ensure we have accurate numbers.

Again, absolute BEST PCP!!

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