Cedar Point – 7/27/2023

A place I have been wanting to visit for literally decades. My parents best friend played a VHS tape for me of Cedar Point when I was around 10 years old and I immediately fell in love with the park and always wanted to go. People asked me why I didn’t fight the kids on wanting to go to Ohio for their summer vacation and, well, this is the reason. It was the perfect time to cross an item off my bucket list. I am an adrenaline junkie after all.

I purchased our tickets in advance as well as our fast lane passes. Since we only planned for 1 day in the park, I wanted to get the most out of it. We also brought along with us our refillable water bottles that we use for King Dominion (our local cedar fair park) hoping that the free refills would also apply here and they do. This made for a nice surprise. The cups are around $15 and it is free refills every 15 minutes for the entire season! We also purchased the all day dinning plan but I feel it was sort of wasteful. We ended up only eating lunch and then while the kids were finishing up their last ride of the night, I got everyone pizza and pasta.

One tip I have learned over the years because of our local amusement park and going to other parks is to join some facebook groups to learn tips and tricks of the parks.

We started our day at Ocean Motion since it was the first time ride we came to.

After this, we made our way to Gatekeeper. This is such a fun ride that literally goes through the gates of the park.

Next we went to the first kiddie area so Taylor could ride some rides. Izzy wasn’t feeling well so we were able to get her some fluids and she was able to relax while Taylor rode on some rides, having the time of her life.

Thanks to our fast lane pass, we were able to experience a lot of the rides the park had to offer.

Blue Streak – such a fun, old wooden coaster

Cedar Creek Mine Ride

Corkscrew – this was a ROUGH coaster


Giant Wheel

Iron Dragon – this ride made my heart happy! It reminded me so much of The Big Bad Wolf. A coaster I grew up with.

Lake Erie Eagles

Magnum XL-200




Millennium Force


Peanuts 500

Power Tower




Snake River Falls – you get drenched

Steel Vengeance

Wild Mouse


Woodstock Express

During our time in the snoopy kids area, we got to meet some Peanut’s characters and clearly everyone needed cheap psychiatric help!

One really cool thing Cedar Point offers is the beach. You can exit a back entrance to the park directly onto the beach. The day before we tried to dip our feet in Lake Erie but unfortunately, the beach we picked, closed as we were feet from the water due to an approaching storm. We took advantage of this opportunity while at the park to dip our toes in Lake Erie.

We also got some pictures of the park at sunset from the beach.

We ended our night with a literal bang (fireworks).

The park is beautiful at night with all of the lights.

Here’s to a good night after a fantastic day and hoping for everyone sleeps well!

Thank you Cedar Point for your hospitality and adventure. We look forward to it again in the future.

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