Sweethaven Lavender – 6/15/2024

Williamsburg, Virginias very own lavender field is nestled off of Jolly Pond Road in James City County.


This was my first time visiting the lavender field and I got to share this special first visit with my mom, sister and girls.

Sweethaven is open Tuesday through Saturday and has ticketed admission. Weekday admission is $5/person and Weekend admission is $7/person. This does not include picking lavender.

My sister and I both purchased lavender and wildflower picking. This provides you with a basket, scissors and cup. $8 for the lavender and &8 for the Wildflowers. At first, we didn’t think it would be a lot of lavender we would be able to get but by the time we thought we were done, we only had our rings half full.

The kids took turns cutting the lavender, even my mom cut some.

My mom and kids stayed back in the shade when my sister and I went to pick our wildflowers. not too much of a variety in the field to pick from but it was enough for gorgeous bouquets.

Lots and lots of flower areas for a pictures.

After we were done cutting flowers, it was time for treats. My mom had already purchased water for my sister and I. It was very much appreciated because it was so hot!

I purchased lavender ice cream and lemonade for my girls and mom and a lavender sweet tea for myself. It was all so tasty!

We had a great time at the lavender field and we will certainly be back!

Until next time!

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