Liberty Mills Farm – 10/8/2022

Named as the Country’s Largest Corn Maze, we knew we had to check it out. Every time we go to a pumpkin patch, the kids always ask if they have a corn maze and they get excited every time. Uncle Ty sent me a link to this corn maze and I knew instantly I hadContinue reading “Liberty Mills Farm – 10/8/2022”

Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021

Blake got home from work and we had our traditional Sunday pancake breakfast. After breakfast Blake and I cleaned up while the kids played. We talked about wanting to take the kids on a short hike to see the fall colors, this time of the year the foliage should be around peak. We decided onContinue reading “Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021”