Liberty Mills Farm – 10/8/2022

Named as the Country’s Largest Corn Maze, we knew we had to check it out. Every time we go to a pumpkin patch, the kids always ask if they have a corn maze and they get excited every time. Uncle Ty sent me a link to this corn maze and I knew instantly I hadContinue reading “Liberty Mills Farm – 10/8/2022”

The Priest Hike 10/30/2021

Blake got home from work around 7:30 and we started to get ready to head to the mountains. We talked the night before about possibly hiking The Priest, I was very hesitant though given what happened during our last attempt. The weather was horrible, cold, windy, rainy etc. We knew the fall colors are atContinue reading “The Priest Hike 10/30/2021”