Green Bank Observatory – 6/5/2022

The Green Bank Observatory is located in none other than Green Bank, WV. The location of the Telescope and surrounding area is within the National Radio Quiet Zone. Meaning no cell service for MILES………..Oh the horror for the wolfpack! This would be our second trip to the Observatory. The first trip we were short onContinue reading “Green Bank Observatory – 6/5/2022”

West Virginia Weekend Trip 6/3/2022-6/5/2022

As soon as the kids got home from school, we loaded up the car and headed for West Virginia. I wanted to book something near Seneca Rocks, WV but everything was already booked. However I did find a cabin at Smoke Hole Cabins about 15 mins away. Once you get off the interstate headed towardsContinue reading “West Virginia Weekend Trip 6/3/2022-6/5/2022”

Cass Scenic Railroad/Snowshoe 6/7/2019-6/9/2019

Every year when I was a kid, we would have a family reunion in Elkins, WV. To make the weekend even more special, my Granddad would take us on the Cass Scenic Railroad. This became a favorite trip and it always created a lot of memories. Ever since I had kids, I always wanted toContinue reading “Cass Scenic Railroad/Snowshoe 6/7/2019-6/9/2019”