Hike to Plane Crash Site from the 1960’s – 5/22/2022

In April 2021, Blake and I set off to find the remnants of a plane crash from the 1960s. We found an article from the 1990s that gave approximate coordinates some landmarks to look out for. The article also stated the plane could be really hard to find and it is best to go withContinue reading “Hike to Plane Crash Site from the 1960’s – 5/22/2022”

Humpback Rocks…..Take 2 11/7/2021

Still wanting to take the kids to Humpback Rocks and still having hopes of the fall foliage being peak, Blake and I decided to attempt taking the kids again after breakfast. Taylor got up early and we made our Sunday pancake breakfast. This is the earliest we have ever had our pancake breakfast. After breakfastContinue reading “Humpback Rocks…..Take 2 11/7/2021”

Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021

Blake got home from work and we had our traditional Sunday pancake breakfast. After breakfast Blake and I cleaned up while the kids played. We talked about wanting to take the kids on a short hike to see the fall colors, this time of the year the foliage should be around peak. We decided onContinue reading “Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021”

1st Camping Trip/Humpback Rocks Loop Trail – 5/31/2019-6/2/2019

I have never been tent camping a day in my life, Blake has been tent camping almost his entire life. We decided it was time for me to give it a go. Blake talked to his brother Ty and he wanted to go with us. We left after I got off work and headed toContinue reading “1st Camping Trip/Humpback Rocks Loop Trail – 5/31/2019-6/2/2019”