Yellowstone/Grand Teton 6/10/2021-6/13/2021

Blake has his 5 day break this week and since we are not getting a weekend together in August around our anniversary, I took off Thursday and Friday to give us a long weekend. We planned to hike one or 2 days and take the boat to the Eastern Shore on one of the days.Continue reading “Yellowstone/Grand Teton 6/10/2021-6/13/2021”

Lewis Falls Hike – 5/26/2020

Taylor’s First Real Hike Wanting to get Taylor out for her first real hike, we looked for a good waterfall hike and found Lewis Falls. This is also my first hike post-partum. Gander kept a good watch on Taylor for us during the almost 3 hour drive to the Big Meadows Amphitheater. He stayed likeContinue reading “Lewis Falls Hike – 5/26/2020”