Piney Camping Weekend 4/30/2021-5/2/2021

I take in all of the extra Taylor snuggles I can, this is going to be the first weekend away from her. Blake and I stopped by his parents house before we left for our weekend of camping to pick up some firewood and while we were walking back to the shed we found aContinue reading “Piney Camping Weekend 4/30/2021-5/2/2021”

Washington State/Oregon Trip August 22-28, 2019

Blake and I decided that we wanted to travel to Washington State and Oregon plus see some of the Pacific West Coast. No real plans in place, we booked tickets a couple of days in advance. We decided that we would be traveling to a bunch of different destinations and that depending on the weatherContinue reading “Washington State/Oregon Trip August 22-28, 2019”