Seneca Rocks, WV 6/4/2022

Seneca Rocks is a well known area for rock climbers. When you are not on the mountain, you can see climbers on the rocks. It is always fun to watch them climb. The Rocks also offer a trail for hiking to the top. Around the backside of the mountain, there are many trails that theContinue reading “Seneca Rocks, WV 6/4/2022”

West Virginia Weekend Trip 6/3/2022-6/5/2022

As soon as the kids got home from school, we loaded up the car and headed for West Virginia. I wanted to book something near Seneca Rocks, WV but everything was already booked. However I did find a cabin at Smoke Hole Cabins about 15 mins away. Once you get off the interstate headed towardsContinue reading “West Virginia Weekend Trip 6/3/2022-6/5/2022”