Austin’s 6th Birthday Adventure – Snowtubing Massanutten Resort, Blackrock Summit 2/12/2022

Austin turns 6 on 2/19 and for his gift this year, I got him (and his siblings) a time slot at Massanutten Ski Resorts – Family Adventure Park – Snowtubing. Austin and his siblings had no idea what we were doing for the weekend. I gave them a few hints the night before but nobodyContinue reading “Austin’s 6th Birthday Adventure – Snowtubing Massanutten Resort, Blackrock Summit 2/12/2022”

Dark Hallow Falls – 11/3/2019

Blake, his mom Teri and I went to Teri’s brother’s retirement get together on 11/2/2019. We rented a hotel room and the next morning we decided to hike Dark Hallow Falls. Blake hiked the falls before with Nick and really enjoyed the hike. This is also my first hike since finding out I am pregnant.Continue reading “Dark Hallow Falls – 11/3/2019”