Seneca Rocks, WV 6/4/2022

Seneca Rocks is a well known area for rock climbers. When you are not on the mountain, you can see climbers on the rocks. It is always fun to watch them climb. The Rocks also offer a trail for hiking to the top. Around the backside of the mountain, there are many trails that theContinue reading “Seneca Rocks, WV 6/4/2022”

Hike to Plane Crash Site from the 1960’s – 5/22/2022

In April 2021, Blake and I set off to find the remnants of a plane crash from the 1960s. We found an article from the 1990s that gave approximate coordinates some landmarks to look out for. The article also stated the plane could be really hard to find and it is best to go withContinue reading “Hike to Plane Crash Site from the 1960’s – 5/22/2022”

Easter 2022

We had a BUSY Easter this year that span out many days. My friend Brittany and I attempted to take her kids and Taylor to an Easter Egg Hunt put on by a local police department. There were so many kids when we got there and it was very unorganized. The hunt was to beginContinue reading “Easter 2022”