Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival

Three years ago, Blake, my kids and I went to D.C. to see the Cherry Blossoms that we read online were in “peak bloom” (not so much). A few days before Sunday, we saw pictures people posted online and were very hopeful that the trees would still have petals if we went. Due to Austin’sContinue reading “Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival”

Fort Fun, Farmer’s Table, Jamestown-Scotland Ferry Ride 2/27/2022

Blake and I wanted to take the kids somewhere on his day off and it is my last weekend day before my surgery that will take me out for about 4-6 weeks. We thought about going to the mountains but because I exchange my kids with their dad Sunday evenings, going to the mountains canContinue reading “Fort Fun, Farmer’s Table, Jamestown-Scotland Ferry Ride 2/27/2022”

Busch Gardens Williamsburg – Mardi Gras in the SNOW Edition

January 30th, 2022 Living in Williamsburg and 15 minutes from Busch Gardens, we of course use our annual passes and membership rewards as much as we can. This year, Busch decided to stay open year round and this created different theme weekends and celebrations. For the last weekend of January and the entire month ofContinue reading “Busch Gardens Williamsburg – Mardi Gras in the SNOW Edition”

POLAR EXPRESS!! PA, MD and WV weekend trip 12/17/2021-12/19/2021

On October 16, 2021, while Blake and I were waiting out the rain, and exploring Cumberland, MD, we came upon the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. We contemplated taking the 4 hour train ride but the rain was going to stop during that time and we had other goals for the weekend. While talking with theContinue reading “POLAR EXPRESS!! PA, MD and WV weekend trip 12/17/2021-12/19/2021”

Happy New Year 2022!!

I hope the new year brings you all happiness, health and lots of fun. For our family, what better way to start out 2022 with a hike! We participated in the Virginia State Parks: First Day Hike 2022. We are fortunate enough that we have York River State Park right down the street from us.Continue reading “Happy New Year 2022!!”

Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021

Blake got home from work and we had our traditional Sunday pancake breakfast. After breakfast Blake and I cleaned up while the kids played. We talked about wanting to take the kids on a short hike to see the fall colors, this time of the year the foliage should be around peak. We decided onContinue reading “Humpback Rocks attempt….Take 1 – 10/24/2021”

Great Smoky Mountains Summer Vacation 7/25/2021-7/30/2021

The original place we wanted to book for our summer vacation was full (I actually tried to book the location months in advance but it was already full). Blake and I didn’t have a back up location for a trip, which lead me to making a list of possible places. A few of the placesContinue reading “Great Smoky Mountains Summer Vacation 7/25/2021-7/30/2021”

Colorado Springs 8/20/2020-8/23/2020

I am a 12 month employee with our local school system and during the summer we switch to 4 – 10 hour days and have every Friday off. I love having Fridays off and I feel I am much more productive working 10 hour days. Blake has a 5 day break this week and weContinue reading “Colorado Springs 8/20/2020-8/23/2020”

The scariest unplanned trip 2/3/2020

Something just doesn’t feel right. I have been sick for weeks. Coughing, no taste, extreme congestion to the point I couldn’t smell or breath out of my nose, chest tightness, complete fatigue. I kept going to my doctor and they would test me for Strep Throat and the Flu and both came back negative. TheContinue reading “The scariest unplanned trip 2/3/2020”