Impromptu mountain day trip – 9/30/2023

Taylor woke up begging to go to Busch today. Blake and I went last night for howl-o-scream (very disappointing) so we were not inclined to go today. We decided to head towards the mountains and see where the day took us. Blake knows I like going to Carter Mountain Orchard and joked about going. HeContinue reading “Impromptu mountain day trip – 9/30/2023”

Westmoreland State Park 10/3/2021

No real plans today, Blake and I had talked about doing something we just didn’t know what. We did have it narrowed down to a hike in the mountains or Westmoreland State Park and visit a couple of wineries. As soon as Taylor woke up we headed out. Stopping at the West Point, VA McDonald’sContinue reading “Westmoreland State Park 10/3/2021”

Crabtree Falls VA Hike with the Kids 9/11/2021

Hike: Crabtree Falls Distance: 3.5 miles Elevation Gain: 1109 feet Terrain: Stairs, Muddy, Rocks, Rooty Blake had the day off from work and we decided that morning we wanted to take the kids hiking. It was a clear day in the mountains which makes for beautiful views. We decided to take the kids to SpyContinue reading “Crabtree Falls VA Hike with the Kids 9/11/2021”