PFO Closure – 3/11/2024

Today is the day, the long awaited and at the same time, dreaded day. Today is the day of my PFO Closure. I have been anxious about this surgical procedure since the day I was called to schedule. After weeks of sleepless nights and constant thoughts of what ifs, I find myself waking up toContinue reading “PFO Closure – 3/11/2024”

Repeat EKG with Bubble Study – 2/2/2024

The structural Cardiologist I saw at VCU wanted me to have a repeat EKG with Bubble Study done though Riverside (not really sure why VCU didn’t do it, but it is okay because Riverside is a lot closer) because the results of my first one when the stroke initially occurred and the TEE with bubbleContinue reading “Repeat EKG with Bubble Study – 2/2/2024”

VCU Neurology – 10/24/2023

Today is the day I finally get to see the Neurologist with VCU. One thing about VCU that is always fantastic, is you typically don’t have to wait long to be seen. They are very punctual, and this is so appreciated.  The nurse brought me back and took my vitals and let me know that the NeurologistContinue reading “VCU Neurology – 10/24/2023”

The scariest unplanned trip 2/3/2020

Something just doesn’t feel right. I have been sick for weeks. Coughing, no taste, extreme congestion to the point I couldn’t smell or breath out of my nose, chest tightness, complete fatigue. I kept going to my doctor and they would test me for Strep Throat and the Flu and both came back negative. TheContinue reading “The scariest unplanned trip 2/3/2020”